So as many of you have already discovered Kristin has been having some phone issues. She's been trying to hold out on getting a new phone so she can leave Verizon and switch to AT&T (so she can get an IPhone). This means she's had the same old Verizon phone for years.
Problem one: these phones are designed to fall apart after a year. As a result, as of late last week Kristin's phone would no longer ring. It vibrates but won't ring. A few days later her phone disappears, so she now has no phone. Kristin has lost her phone before but this time seems permanent, so I suggest she get a phone on EBay to get her through the last few months of her contract. Being a nice husband I find a decent phone on EBay and email her a link so she can bid on it. I never hear back from her, so I bid on the phone for her. After a few hours I notice some jerk seems determined to out bid me on this phone. The idiot obviously had set a pretty high automatic bid so I keep bidding thinking I no longer even want the phone, but at least I'll make them pay more for it. That'll teach'em. As planned I lose the bid but force the jerk to pay more than they would have.
So last night Kristin and I are talking and I'm complaining about how she didn't respond to my email. She tells me that she did respond to my email (I never got it), and good news, she had won the bid for the phone.
OH MAN that is amazing. That story right there goes down in the history books as being a classic to tell to your grandchildren.
Way to win, Kris. I always saw you as a fighter!
I think that is the funniest thing I've heard/read all week!
best ebay story ever.
No, seriously. this story is awesome. I told it to Caitlin last night and I could hardly get it out.
I just love imagining the looks on both of your faces as you ebay chicken-fight to the finish... Awesome.
that is so funny. I love that story so much.
I wish I could have been in the room when the truth came out. I am sure there were a lot of "Babe" thrown out. :)
Can you just tell me that story over and over again. Where is Todd so I can read him this. Thank you. Thank you.
that just made my day.
that's hilarious! you two should really learn each others ebay names...
Still haven't stopped laughing... awesome.
Never, never give up. :)
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